Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Funny, but not Acceptable

So I always get on Brett about watching his language around the girls, because sometimes his "kitchen" mouth follows him home from the restaurant. Myself, I have never really cursed much in my life so I never really thought I had any bad language to erase from my everyday speech until the other day. Last weekend the air conditioner in our living room broke. My dad bought a new one and was bringing it in through the front door when Makenna, sweet in her pink silk nightgown, marches up and ask grandpa "Are you bringing more crap into this house?". Something I would definitly say. She went on to use the word crap, correctly, for the next week or so and it still creeps into my otherwise sweet baby's language. I have got to stop using that word, and watch more carefully what I say around the girls. So, I guess two-year olds really do listen to EVERYTHING you say.


Kimberly said...

How cute! I know it's not the best, but it is pretty funny when they copy things like that!

The Pfau's said...

HI-LAR-I-OUS!!! I love that girl!!! Can you send her to me to entertain me while I am on bedrest! Seriously she is SOOOO much better than any movie ever made! I am still laughing!!! Give her a hug and tell her that her Aunt Debbi is proud!! (at least she's not copying Bretts naughty mouth)