Monday, March 1, 2010

News About Our Move...

Getting ready to move for us has been sort of bitter sweet. We are SUPER excited to go back to Vegas, leave the snow and icky weather behind and be closer to Brett's family, but we are sad to leave all the family and friends and the life we've been living for the past 3 years behind. However, we thought we had it all firgured out and were hoping to be moving later this month. Well, as most of our close friends and family know we were waiting on just a few key things to get taken care of before we could leave NY, and we found out today that they would definitely not be taken care of by the end of this month and we have had to push back our moving date all the way to July. At first Brett and I were bummed (we had psyched ourselves up for the move and the drive), but we know that all things happen for a reason, and there is a good reason we will be spending some extra time in NY. On the bright side we are happy to be spending some extra time with the grandparents, and hope we can help them get their house ready to sell. We are also excited that spring is coming soon (but not soon enough) as spring in NY is one of my absolute favorite things. I love seeing the grounds go from being snow covered to the tulips blooming and the trees getting back their leaves and being able to go outside all day. So hopefully, pushing back our move date 13 weeks will give us time to prepare more for our move and enjoy NY a little longer.


aubri said...

I am soooo incredibly sad to hear this! BUT like you said, everything happens for a reason so I'm sure it'll work out just fine:) Let us know if we can do anything for you and enjoy the weather now cause when you come in July we're all gonna ROAST!!!

Jason & Claire said...

I wish I was as positive as Aubri!!! Oh man!!! That stinks! That's it...we're definitely going to have to come visit this spring. I can't imagine how beautiful those houses we went to are in the spring! I'm not going to make it that long without seeing your girls;) July will be roasting...should we plan a lake trip now so you have something to look forward to?!?

Deanna said...

I am sooooooo bummed. I love your attitude that all things happen for a reason...
I also love the season changes...Spring is my favorite!!!! and it is way over due.